Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fashion Design

1. Why is fashion so reflective, when it could be purely functional and behavioral? (Why do people feel an impulse to express and redefine themselves through their clothes?)
People have used fashion as a tool for self-expression for years. People use their clothes to convey to others things like status, ideals, and even political views in more recent years. The clothes people wear reflect a certain image of that person. Clothes play a huge role in first impressions as well, which shows how strong an impact the clothes one wears can have on others' perceptions. How many times are we told that when interviewing for an internship or job interview we should wear something professional? Employers are more likely to hire someone who comes in with a nice suit than someone who comes in with jeans and a t-shirt; in this way fashion plays a role other than just a means of personal expression.

2. Jones discusses the importance of time as it relates to fashion--why does fashion change and evolve, instead of remaining static and functional?
Fashion is constantly changing and evolving because designers are constantly coming up with new ideas, trying to reinvent current styles, develop new styles, and create the latest trend. Designers wouldn't be able to survive in the world of fashion if they didn't create new things and were up to pace with the changing world. If they stayed behind with the same old trends, they wouldn't be known for anything. People, while they want to be up to date with the latest trends, are also seeking fresh looks. This is why fashion is evolving. However, another reason for its constant evolution has to do with the people on our television screens-celebrities and other prominent figures. People mimic and want to dress the way their favorite celebrities dress. Celebrities have so much power in the sense that they are declaring new fashion trends left and right--and people willingly follow.

3. Based on the reading, make a checklist of principles to consider when designing a garment.
a. comfort
b. fit
c. quality of clothing
d. price (if it's reasonable considering the piece of clothing, or if you're just buying for the brand name)
e. style of the clothing

In works of art such as music, literature, and theatre, appealing to the intellect is not a guarantee of success.

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